GRINDIT podcast

Episode 351: James 1 Part 7 Who Are You Fooling? Not God!

April 29th, 2024

Do you get angry easily? Are you ready to snap at the drop of a hat? Anger is a fruit of the flesh, not the Spirit! James makes it a point to say, “Be SLOW to anger!” How can we do that? By doing what he says just before that, “Be QUICK to listen and be SLOW to speak.” The problem with many people is we barely listen, we hear what we want to, and we are thinking about a response as the person is talking. And as soon as they take a breath, no matter if they are finished talking, we interrupt and yell our concerns at them! That is not from God my’s from the flesh. How can we live according to the Spirit of God and let Him lead us? It’s a simple as being in the word and obeying what God says on a daily basis. God has given us a choice; we can read His word and obey it...or we can read His word and do our own thing. However, if we live according to our flesh, if we try to have a Savior without the cross, if we haven’t crucified our flesh, there will be consequences and they will last for eternity! We may be able to fool a lot of people, but we will NEVER fool God!