GRINDIT podcast

Episode 352: James 1 Part 8 Identity: How Do You Want to Be Known?

May 2nd, 2024

How do we want to be known? People today are so angry and ready to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, especially if they are involved with an organization with a bunch of letters in it. Think about it...most of thew time when they are shown on the news, what are they doing? Yelling...Why? Because they are angry! We see them going into stores and wreaking havoc, destroying everything and anything they can get their hands on...Why? Because they are angry! Do we want to be known as someone who stays angry and mad all the time or do we want to be known as loving, caring, compassionate, etc... If we want to reflect Jesus and be his hands and feet, then we have to be SLOW to anger, slow to speak...why? Because when we are angry, we say things we don’t mean and we tearing people down by our words. He says, “Be quick to listen...” What would happen if we opened our ears and kept our mouths shut?