GRINDIT podcast

Episode 356: James 2 Part 4 A Lie Is Considered Faith?!?!

May 18th, 2024

James tells us that we cannot have faith without works and he gives a couple of examples: Abraham and Rahab. Abraham was given promises from God and they didn’t happen until 25 years later when Isaac was born, then he was asked to sacrifice his son of promise! And Abraham never hesitated! He took Isaac up on the mountain and got to the point of raising the knife to kill Isaac but God intervened! Then he uses Rahab as an example of faith and actions. Rahab hid the spies when they came into Jericho but, in order to do so, she lied! Rahab is a prostitute, a liar, and she is in the genealogy of Jesus! We cannot, being filled with the Holy Spirit, sit idly by and not do anything for the kingdom of God and expect to make into heaven. Our faith has to produce actions and if not, then it is dead.