GRINDIT podcast

Episode 357: James 3 Part 1 Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones...

May 19th, 2024

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me...this is one of the biggest lies we are ever told as a child because words DO hurt! In fact, they can hurt for a very long time! The tongue is such a small part of our body but it sure is powerful! Once words come out of our mouth, they can’t go back in! James compares our tongue with a fire and how powerful that fire is, how it can set a whole forest on fire! He says we curse people with the same mouth we bless the Lord with, and this shouldn’t be so! And what is really bad is...James is writing to those who follow Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit! Do our words tear down or build up? Do they speak life or death?