GRINDIT podcast

Episode 375: Ephesians 1 Part 4 God’s Mysterious Plan Revealed!

July 22nd, 2024

Paul has been going on and on about how God has done everything, from creation to salvation to blessing us with blessings in heavenly places, through His Son, Jesus. God has taken care of everything we need to have a relationship with Him as we live this life on earth and in the life to come in eternity. This is God’s plan and He already had this plan in place long before He spoke anything into existence! He knew man would blow it and he had a plan in place, that He would put on flesh, be tempted in every way we are, be the sinless sacrifice so that our sins can be forgiven, rose out of the tomb taking the authority from death and the grave, and now sits at the Father’s right hand interceding for those who accept His wonderful gift of salvation. The gospel, the plan, has been revealed to all.