GRINDIT podcast

Episode 88: Acts 20 Part 1 I Need A Friend

July 27th, 2021

Paul has started his third missionary journey and will be leaving Philippi for Troas where he hangs out with some local believers to encourage them as he knows his time is short and they wouldn’t see him again. Luke tells us the names of seven men that was traveling with Paul at the time but soon they would be nowhere around. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul says everyone has deserted him and that only Luke is with him. As the old saying goes, “When hard times come around you find out who your real friends are.” Paul, as many people as he has helped and brought to Jesus, is alone as he faces death. His “friends” have deserted him when he needed them most. The same thing happened to Jesus when he was about to be crucified. His disciples all fled the scene; They didn’t want no part of that! Lesson: Be careful who you put your trust in. People will fail you but God never will.