GRINDIT podcast

Episode 89: Acts 20 Part 2 Passover, Communion, The Lord's Supper

July 31st, 2021

When Paul was visiting with the believers in Troas, the first day of the week arrived and they took the Lord’s Supper together. One can read Exodus 12 to learn about the Passover, which is where the Lord’s Supper, or communion, came from. A lamb without any imperfections had to be sacrificed and its blood had to be put over the doorposts of the people’s home. When the death angel came along and saw the blood of the sacrificed lamb, he would “Pass Over” that house and whoever was inside the house was saved from death. 1 Corinthians 5:7 says Jesus is our Passover Lamb. It is by the sacrifice he made on the cross, the blood he shed, and the empty tomb that our sins are forgiven and when death comes, we will spend eternity with God…if and only if we are washed in the blood of our Passover Lamb, Jesus. We take communion to remind us of that sacrifice Jesus gave on our behalf so why do so many churches today not take the time to partake of communion?