GRINDIT podcast

We at GRINDIT want to encourage people to keep going, to keep grinding, when life gets hard. Quitting is not an option!

About the show

Let's face sometimes is hard and can just suck. When we are faced with life's challenges we can be discouraged, get tired, and become weary. What we need is motivation, encouragement, and a helping hand that keeps us going. That's the idea of GRINDIT! We find our strength to endure when we focus on Jesus. God's own Son wasn't exempt from life's challenges and He didn't do anything to deserve what he went through! And yet He did...willingly, therefore we find our hope in Him.


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    Episode 2: Introduction to GRINDIT Part 2

    August 1st, 2020  |  30 mins
    death, endurance, endure, faith, give up, grind it, grindit, heaven, jesus, keep on, labor, race, run, toil, walk, work
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    The Introduction to GRINDIT part 1

    August 1st, 2020  |  23 mins 29 secs
    death, endurance, endure, faith, give up, grind it, grindit, heaven, jesus, keep on, labor, race, run, toil, walk, work

    This is the the first part of the introduction to GRINDIT. It talks about the foundation and the idea behind GRINDIT.