GRINDIT podcast
We at GRINDIT want to encourage people to keep going, to keep grinding, when life gets hard. Quitting is not an option!
We found 10 episodes of GRINDIT podcast with the tag “flesh”.
Episode 283: Romans 6 Part 2 Sin: Fun But Deadly
July 20th, 2023 | 31 mins 5 secs
choice, choose, deadly, flesh, gratify, righteous, righteousness, separate, sin
Sin is fun but it is deadly. It separates us from God!
Episode 21: John 6 Part Two: Will You Walk Away Too?
September 4th, 2020 | 28 mins 31 secs
blood, drink, flesh, jesus, passover
This crowd has followed Jesus after getting their bellies full of bread and fish. Jesus tells them all they have to do is believe. Will they believe or walk away?