GRINDIT podcast

Episode 353: James 2 Part 1 Cliques In the Body of Christ?!?!

May 5th, 2024

James continues his talk with the rich and the poor in the body of Christ. He takes some shots at the rich people because they are showing favoritism towards their rich brethren and shunning the poor followers of Jesus who are right there in the room with them. He says we are to love one another like we love ourselves...sound familiar? James is basically reminding these Christians what his brother had said, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Then he reminds them of the mercy God has shown them and he tells them, “If you don’t show mercy toward your brethren, even the poor ones, God will not show you mercy.” Since we are saved by the grace and mercy of God, we better take heed to what he says! Go out and show mercy today!