GRINDIT podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
420 episodes of GRINDIT podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 1st, 2020.
Episode 20: John 6 Part One: Feeding the 5,000?
September 4th, 2020 | 26 mins 53 secs
bread, fish, full, lunchable, saved
We hear this story called the feeding of the 5,000 but that was just the count of the men. In reality, there's more like 10,000 there including women and children. Jesus feeds them with two fish and five loaves of bread. Would that be enough to convince them to believe?
Episode 19: John 5 Part Two: Jesus and the Religious Leaders
August 28th, 2020 | 30 mins 59 secs
compassion, grace, jesus, love, mercy
Jesus tells the religious leaders he is from the Father and is doing the Father's Will. And not only that he gives several witnesses to back up his claim!
Episode 18: Mary Gamboa Interview
August 27th, 2020 | 38 mins 28 secs
cedar, friends, mary, miscarriage, point
Mary shares one of her life challenges, having a miscarriage, and how she overcame it. Thanks for listening!
Episode 17: John 5 Part One The Healing of the Paralyzed Man
August 25th, 2020 | 33 mins 48 secs
blind, healed, jesus. eternity, lame, one, paralyzed, temporary
Jesus visits the area by the Pool of Bethesda and he heals a paralyzed man. But what about the others?
Episode 16: John 4 Part Three
August 21st, 2020 | 29 mins 1 sec
discriminate, government, grace, mercy, official
We finish up John 4 by looking at a government official who was desperate to find Jesus because his son was dying from a fever.
Episode 15: John 4 Part Two
August 20th, 2020 | 29 mins 44 secs
grace, mercy, samaritan, water pot, woman
A Continuation of the Samaritan woman and Jesus
Episode 14: John 4 Part One The Samaritan Woman Meets the Messiah
August 20th, 2020 | 29 mins 46 secs
choice, messiah, racism, samaritan, well, woman
This is my favorite chapter in the New Testament. Jesus, a Jew, walks on Samaritan soil blowing all the religious rules out of the water, has a conversation with a Samaritan woman, and a village is changed because of it!
Episode 13: Mark Howard Interview
August 19th, 2020 | 34 mins 4 secs
encouragement, hope, partnership, pastor
In this episode I interview the pastor at Partnership Christian Church in Maryville, TN.
Episode 12: Interview with Adam Cook
August 18th, 2020 | 34 mins 54 secs
christian, cop, drummer, overcome, police
Adam shares some of his life challenges and how he has overcome them.
Episode 11: John 3 Part Two
August 13th, 2020 | 31 mins 46 secs
baptist, baptize, bitterness, covet, envy, jealous, jealousy, jesus, john
We finish up with Jesus and Nicodemus then John turns his attention back to John the Baptist.
Episode 10: John 3 Part One
August 13th, 2020 | 29 mins 58 secs
again, birth, born, canal, nicodemus, spirit
Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus about being born again and it blows his mind!
Episode 9: Greg Tucker's Interview
August 11th, 2020 | 37 mins 2 secs
endure, faith, fellowship, greg, jesus, presbyterian
Check out Greg Tucker's story. I'm partial to this guy because he is my brother! He has been in ministry for many years and has experienced many life challenges and he shares with us how he has overcome them and keeps going. Be encouraged to GRINDIT!
Episode 8: Dinah Hauck Interview
August 11th, 2020 | 36 mins 28 secs
dinah, endure, jesus, leader, partnership, worship, youth
We interview Dinah Hauck in the is episode. She is the worship leader at Partnership Christian Church in Maryville, TN.
Episode 7: John 2 Part Two
August 8th, 2020 | 26 mins
greed, greedy, money, obedience, obey, table
We finish up John 2 as we take a look at Jesus cleaning out the temple with a whip!
Episode 6: John 2 Part One
August 8th, 2020 | 26 mins 12 secs
alcohol, drink, obedience, obey, wine
We break down the first part of John 2. Jesus turns water into wine.
Episode 4: John 1 Part One
August 5th, 2020 | 30 mins 33 secs
burial, cross, death, deity, human, jesus, love, resurrection, separate, unconditional
A breakdown of John 1. Jesus' deity, Jesus was a human, and God's love,