GRINDIT podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

420 episodes of GRINDIT podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 1st, 2020.

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    Episode 36: John 15 Part One

    November 21st, 2020  |  30 mins 35 secs
    fruit, gardener, grapevine, pruning. holy, spirit

    Jesus is the grapevine, his followers are the branches, and his Father is the gardener and is the one who does the pruning. If a branch doesn't produce fruit it is cut off from the grapevine and cast into the fire. According to Galatians 5:22 the Holy Spirit produces the fruit in us so just as Jesus said, it is imperative we remain in him because he will remain in us and his Holy Spirit will produce fruit. As the Holy Spirit produces fruit in us we need to share it with others!

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    Episode 35: John 14 Part Two

    November 7th, 2020  |  28 mins 48 secs
    advocate, disciples, father, helper, holy spirit, jesus

    We finish John 14 with the disciples freaking out over what Jesus is telling them. They want to go with him and he tells them they can't. They are full of fear and doubt which is two great tools of the enemy. If Satan can keep us in fear and doubting God, then he knows we are no threat to him. Jesus promises them a Helper, the Holy Spirit and when he falls on the disciples in Act 2, they are filled with boldness. Even after being persecuted and beaten the disciples continue to be bold! What about you? We are filled with the same Holy Spirit as they were so we should be bold just as they were as well!

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    Episode 34: John 14 Part One

    November 7th, 2020  |  32 mins 53 secs
    believe, confidence, disciples, jesus, trust

    John 14 is a continuation of John 13 where Jesus is having a very intimate conversation with the eleven disciples that are left (Judas has left to get his silver). He tells them, "Don't let your hearts be troubled...." He knew they were freaking out because he had told them one of them would betray him and he also told them he was leaving them for a bit. We can all use the comforting words Jesus gave them, "Trust in God and Trust in me."

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    Episode 33: John 13 Part Two

    October 30th, 2020  |  29 mins 19 secs
    christian, church, forgive, grudge, jesus, love, unconditional

    Do you hold a grudge? Is there someone in the church you avoid because they hurt you? If we claim to be a follower of Christ then we must love like Christ and it's NOT an option and His love is WITHOUT conditions! If anyone had the right to hold a grudge it was Jesus! He chose Judas Iscariot to be one of his twelve disciples knowing he was greedy, a thief, and that he would sell him out for thirty pieces of silver and yet he washes his feet, then in the garden he called him friend as he was being betrayed! From the cross he is looking at the ones who crucified him and he says, "Father, forgive them...And Paul points out that Jesus died for us while we were his enemy! Do we love like Christ loves?

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    Episode 32: John 13 Part One

    October 30th, 2020  |  29 mins 32 secs
    jesus, judas, love, salvation, unconditional

    Fact: God loves everybody, yes...everybody, His love is unconditional, and nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38). You've heard it said before, "God hates the sin but sin loves the sinner." A problem I see is that people in today's society have confused God's unconditional love with salvation. Yes, God loves everyone but not everyone is saved! The ones who will be saved are the ones who repent of their sin, accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and does his will and not their own. Have you made that choice? Know anyone that hasn't? Share this podcast with them!

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    Episode 31: John 12 Part Three

    October 23rd, 2020  |  27 mins 8 secs
    cross, eny, jealous, jealousy, pride, religious

    One thing you don't mess with is a person's power! Jesus was a threat to the religious leaders, not a physical threat, but he threatened their pride. They loved the praise from the people and now it was going to Jesus instead of them and they didn't like it! After the raising of Lazarus they plotted to kill him but that wasn't all, they wanted Lazarus killed too because he was the reason the people were flocking to Jesus! By the end of the week they would accomplish their goal...Jesus would be crucified.

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    Episode 30: John 12 Part Two

    October 22nd, 2020  |  31 mins 18 secs
    betray, forgiveness, garden, jesus, judas, kiss

    Not one time did Jesus call him out for being a thief so if we are to be like Jesus and have the attitude of Christ, then why is it that we feel the need to call people out when they hurt us and blast it all over social media, to our friends, and our family?

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    Episode 29: John 12 Part One

    October 20th, 2020  |  33 mins 25 secs
    feet, hair, jesus, mary, nard, perfume, smell

    Certain smells take us back in time to an event that took place. We can remember the details as if it just happened. When Mary poured the nard on Jesus feet he equated it with his burial. How many times did those people in that house go back to the cross when they smelled nard?

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    Episode 28: John 11 Jesus Raises Lazarus

    October 9th, 2020  |  34 mins 37 secs
    dead, lazarus, man, raised, tomb

    Jesus is going to raise Lazarus from the dead but would it be enough to raise people's faith? He has been dealing with doubt from the religious leaders, the Jews, and now he is getting it from his twelve disciples and his best friends! It comes to a boiling point as John points out that Jesus had anger from deep within. We need to be growing in our faith and not declining. How strong is your faith? Are you sure?

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    Episode 26: John 10 Part One The Good Shepherd

    October 1st, 2020  |  27 mins 7 secs
    crowd, good, jesus, shepherd, sin, temple

    In John 10 Jesus says He is the good shepherd and he tries to persuade the crowd to be sheep. He tells them a story of a thief that comes over the wall and how the sheep are frightened and run off. But he is the shepherd that comes in the gate and there is peace among the sheep because they know it's the shepherd. David tells us Psalm 23 "the Lord is my shepherd" and he lists some characteristics of the shepherd. Are you going to trust Jesus to be your shepherd are you going to keep trying to do things your way and make a mess of it all?

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    Episode 27: John 10 Part Two The Good Shepherd

    October 1st, 2020  |  25 mins 54 secs
    hanukkah, light, menorah, winter

    In the second part of John 10 the crowd just wants to hear it plainly from the horse's mouth, "Are you the Messiah?" but Jesus tells them "You don't believe anything I tell you but you could at least believe the works I do." They wanted to stone him but he escapes. There's a ton of evidence to back up Jesus' claim but even today, people don't believe. They want to do their own thing without responsibility and so even after weighing the evidence they walk away. Will you do the same?

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    Episode 25: John 9 The Blind Man Healed

    September 25th, 2020  |  29 mins 51 secs
    blind, healing, jesus, mud pie, pharisees

    Jesus heals a blind man on the Sabbath and he becomes an instant witness to his friends, family, and even the Pharisees.

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    Episode 24: John 8: "I Am"

    September 18th, 2020  |  37 mins 14 secs
    adultery, compassion, grace, love, mercy, stones, stoning, teaching, temple

    Jesus continues to try to explain to people that he is the very Messiah they have been looking for but they just can't get past the idea that they know his family, and since they believe the Messiah will just show up, they don't believe him. And it comes to a boiling point at the end of the chapter as Jesus says two words, "I AM", and they pick up stones to stone him to death. But before the dialogue Jesus displays what we we as christians are to be about as he shows grace and mercy to a woman caught in adultery.

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    Episode 23: Jeremiah 29:11 In Context

    September 15th, 2020  |  33 mins 40 secs
    babylon, destroyed, jeremiah, jerusalem, temple

    People use Jeremiah 29:11 quiet often but they really have no idea the meaning behind the verse. My goal in this podcast is to give you the context of Jeremiah 29:11 so the next time you use it or see it, you'll truly understand what God was saying!

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    Episode 22: John 7 Jesus Goes Incognito

    September 12th, 2020  |  28 mins
    brothers, disbelief, leaders, religious, temple

    Jesus is challenged by his (half) brothers to go to the Festival of Shelters and prove himself because they don't believe in him. While there he goes to the temple and teaches showing no fear in the face of those who want him dead.

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    Episode 21: John 6 Part Two: Will You Walk Away Too?

    September 4th, 2020  |  28 mins 31 secs
    blood, drink, flesh, jesus, passover

    This crowd has followed Jesus after getting their bellies full of bread and fish. Jesus tells them all they have to do is believe. Will they believe or walk away?